Ten Tribes Studies (18 July, 2014, 20 Tammuz, 5774)
1. New YouTube Clip. In Defense of Irishmen
2. New YouTube Clip. Timeline: The Ten Tribes in History
3. Proverbs 19:23-25 The Fear of the ALMIGHTY is Life!
1. New YouTube Clip.
In Defense of Irishmen
Duration: 17.57 minutes
The Irish People like many other ethnic groups in the west may claim a significant degree of Hebrew ancestry.
The problem is that the Irish do not always conduct themselves in an appropriate manner.
Despite this the Irish still fit the bill of belonging to the Ten Lost Tribes,
See: Hibernia True. In Defense of Irishmen
2. New YouTube Clip.
Timeline: The Ten Tribes in History
Duration: 18.11 minutes
Timeline by Sylvia Halpert; Narration by Yair Davidiy. The Lost Ten Tribes in their places of Exile became nations that played an important role in history. They evolved into modern countries upon which specific Israelite Tribes imparted their own characteristics.
See: Time Line by Sylvia Halpert
3. Proverbs 19:23-25 The Fear of the ALMIGHTY is Life!
Proverbs 19:
23 The fear of the LORD is life indeed;
filled with it one rests secure
and suffers no harm.
24 The lazy person buries a hand in the dish,
and will not even bring it back to the mouth.
25 Strike a scoffer, and the simple will learn prudence;
reprove the intelligent, and they will gain knowledge.