Ten Tribes Studies (1 August, 2014, 5 Av, 5774)
1. New Article and YouTube Clip.  Molly  Malone. Save Ireland from Itself! (Facebook Discussion)
2. New Article and YouTube Clip. The Tudor Rose, Symbol of Israel and the Ten  Tribes
3. Mats Rosenquist: Goths from Gad in Sweden
1. New Article and YouTube Clip.  Molly  Malone. Save Ireland from Itself!
(a) New Article. Molly Malone. Save Ireland from Itself!
The statue has been dressed in Muslim garb showing what is liable to happen if Ireland gets too close to Islam.
The Irish are apparently offended. The Irish public and media has been particularly offensive and prejudiced in its treatment of Israel.
Spread the picture.
Ireland has been favored by God and needs to act accordingly:
Amos 3:
2 You only have I known
  of all the families of the earth;
therefore I will punish you
  for all your iniquities.
The Irish have been criticizing the State of Israel and working agaisnt her for a long time.
Recently it has gotten worse.
This is not fair, not justified. It is also potentially dangerous both to Ireland and to Israel.
The Irish need to repent.
Whosoever hurts Judah will be hurt because of it.
HE will avenge the blood of his servants (Deuteronomy 32:43).
He that toucheth you, toucheth the apple of HIS eye (Zechariah 2:8):
I am very sore displeased with the heathen...for i was but a little displeased, and they helped forward the affliction (Zechariah 1: 15).
The sons also of them that afflicted thee shall come bending unto thee (Isaiah 60:14).
The Irish are basically good people. They have been mislead by their own lusts and by their leaders and the Media.
For their own sake they need to repent and to act well towards Judah while they still have time to do so.
So do we all.
We all need to make a better person of ourselves to the degree that we can.
Help Spread the Pictures!
(b) YouTube Clip. Help Molly Malone! Save Ireland from Itself!
Duration: 8.10 minutes. To Read Items Scroll Down
The Statue of Molly Malone in Dublin is representative of Ireland. Recently Molly was depicted wearing a burka to warn Ireland to desist from getting too close to Islam. The Irish were offended. Ireland is an Israelite Nation, part of its population descends from the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel. Ireland needs to repent and to support the State of Israel instead of opposing her. Time is running out.
Molly Malone. Save Ireland from Itself!
(c) Lively Facebook Discussion on Molly Malone and Related Issues
The picture of Molly Malone occasioned a lively discussion on the Facebook Page of Yair Davidiy.
So far there are have been 33 comments.
Yair himself did not participate.
In principle we would have preferred that such dialogue be held on the Hebrew Nations Facebook page
Nevertheless, all our welcome to visit, comment, and become Friends on both pages.
2. New Article and YouTube Clip. The Tudor Rose, Symbol of Israel and the Ten  Tribes
(a) New Article. Tudor Rose (illustrated)
The Tudor Rose is one of the official symbols of England and the British Monarchy.
Nothing is by chance!
The Tudor Rose is also the symbol of Israel!
In the Bible Israel is compared to a rose:
[Hos 14:5] I will be as the dew unto Israel: he shall grow as the lily [Hebrew "shoshana" i.e. rose], and cast forth his roots as Lebanon.
"Lily" in Hebrew is "shoshana" and actually means a rose. The rose (or rosette shape based on the rose) which (as a rosette) was a symbol of royalty in ancient Israel and in other nations.
In the beginning of the "Zohar" it says:
"`As the rose among the thorns, so is my love among the maidens' (Song of Solomon 2:2): What is the rose: It is the Assemblage of Israel, the Community of Israel. For there is a rose (above) and a rose (below). Just as the rose which is among the thorns has red and white, so does the Assemblage of Israel have justice and mercy. Just as a rose has thirteen petals, so does the Assemblage [Hebrew: "Knesset"] of Israel have thirteen measures of compassion encompassing it on all sides. "...Five strong leaves surround the rose..."
The United States Congress in 1986 chose the rose as the national flower of the USA.
(b) YouTube Clip. Tudor Rose
Duration: 13. 01 minutes.  To  Continue  Reading Please Scroll Down.
The Zohar describes the People of Israel as like a rose with red and white petals and five green leaves.
This description fits the Tudor Rose which became the symbol of England and of the British Monarchy.
See: Tudor Rose (illustrated)
3. Mats Rosenquist: Goths from Gad in Sweden
New comment on your video
Clans of Gad in Sweden
Mats Rosenquist
Other indications of Sweden being the Goths are shown in the City of Gothenburg (Goteborg) the island of Gotland, the Counties of East Gotaland (Ostra Gotaland) West Gotaland (Vastra Gotaland).