Ten Tribes Studies (28 August, 2014, 2 Elul, 5774)
1. Bill Rasmussen: Additional Hebrew Criteria, from Personal Experience
2. Douglas Augustine: Hopefully critical mass will be reached soon... when the truth of it all begins to hit home
3. This Week in the Torah
Shoftim: Judges, Justice, Conduct.
1. Bill Rasmussen: Additional Hebrew Criteria, from Personal Experience
re Brit-Am Now no. 2321. Ten Tribes Studies
 #1. YouTube Clip. Jew Hatred vrs Hebrew Descent
Jew-Hatred and Israel
Relative antisemitism amongst different peoples
Anti-Semitism and the Lack of it as a Proof of Israelite Ancestry
Subject: Brit Am 2321 and ADL survey-Bill Rasmussen from Minnesota
Shalom Yair, I enjoyed reading Brit Am 2321 and the ADL survey on antisemitism. Outstanding information. You mentioned in this issue of Brit Am 10 criteria for Ephraimite Nations. They include:
1. Blessings: Economic and Physical Blessings as promised to Israel in Scripture.
2. Indications of Scripture: Biblical Evidence predicting whereto the Lost Ten Tribes would go, what type of religion and government they would have, etc.
3. Groundwork: Historical, Archaeological, and Related Proofs showing paths of migration.
4. Judah: Affinity with the Jews.
5. Originality: Innovation and Intellect
6. Bravery: Proven Military Prowess in the past at least and at present in potential.
7. Empathy: The Doing of Social Justice.
8. Israelite Self-Identification
9. Family Connection: The identified group should have proven "ethnic" links to at least one of the other identified groups so that the proofs of one may be applied to the other.
10. Tribal Affiliation. We may (even tentatively) relate the nation to one or other of the Israelite Tribes.
I would like to add my own list from personal experience in working with Christians that may help people determine if they are Israelites or not:
1. Inner witness/intuition
2. Family names-Father/Mother
3. Places of origin
4. physical features
5. Desire to keep and live the Torah
6. Strong attraction to Jewish things - shofar, talit, menorah, mezzuzah, etc.
7. Love for Israel
8. Love for Jewish people worldwide
9. Willingness to protect and defend Israel and Jewish people
10. Insatiable desire to learn Hebrew
I am sure there is more to add, but the list complements the list you provided in determining an Ephraimite nation. We are certainly getting ready for the Acharit Yamim [End of Days] and the War of Gog and Magog spoken of in Ezekiel 38-39. I find it fascinating that before that war happens, the Ruach [spirit] will breathe upon the dry bones of all the House of Israel and that the sticks of Judah and Ephraim will be joined together as mentioned in Ezekiel 37.Â
Shalom v'b'richot [and blessings], Bill Rasmussen
2. Douglas Augustine: Hopefully critical mass will be reached soon... when the truth of it all begins to hit home
Dear Mr. Davidiy:
I continue to tell people I know about Brit-Am in the hopes they will grasp the significance of the work you do. I find it strange that people who purport to believe in the Bible show so much resistance to your work despite it being so well supported by scripture. I'm just a newcomer to this message but understand that you have been battling this problem for decades. Hopefully critical mass will be reached soon when the truth of it all begins to hit home with large numbers of people.
Kind regards,
Douglas Augustine
3. This Week in the Torah
Shoftim: Judges, Justice, Conduct.
Deuteronomy 16:18 to 21:9
The portion this week is called "Shoftim" meaning "Judges".
It extends from Deuteronomy 16:18 to 21:9
A system of responsible rulership was required. Judges and policemen were needed.
Each tribe had to set up its own system adapted to its own needs and locally responsible.
 It was forbidden to show favoritism, forbidden to take bribes.
Even taking money, presents, or favors, to do the right thing that one would do anyway was forbidden.
The ability to live normally and the inheritance of the Land was contingent on maintaining a system of justice. People need to be able to trust each other and the authorities they live under.
A very high standard was expected of public officials and of private people in their inter-personal relationships.
Justice is the Truth and the Truth is Justice. We must recognize the truth and own up to it and pursue our course by going after (pursuing) that which is true.
Deuteronomy 17:8-13 encompasses justification for the Oral Tradition.
The Law had to be applied to everyone equally and publicly. Someone had to decide in cases of doubt. A system was needed. This was the Oral Tradition.
"Collective Responsibility and Rabbinical Authority" by Yair Davidiy
We were commanded to set the King over us i.e. respect his authority. This applies to all authority. We should respect those in authority even when we doubt whether they deserve it.
The King had to be an Israelite.
From this was learned the general injunction that for all matters of authority only native-born Israelites could be appointed.
The Jewish State of Israel is forbidden to surrender any of its authority and power of jurisdiction to non-Jews.
The Oslo Peace Accords were a dastardly crime and we said so at the time, as veteran readers of our writings will testify.
Unfortunately time has vindicated the warnings we then made
The Israelite Peoples are forbidden to give up any of their sovereignty.
British Membership of the EU is probably against the Torah.
The same may apply to the proposed North American Union (NAU).
The King had to write his own Torah scroll. Most Torah Scrolls are quite large but very small ones that may be carried around with ease also exist.
 The King had to keep this Copy of the Torah Scroll that he himself had written with him at all times and read it frequently.
 The King was commanded to be humble in his own eyes and not consider himself better than others. Nevertheless others still had to respect him.
The Tribe of Levi was not to receive its own Tribal Inheritance but rather scattered settlements throughout Israel.
 The Tribe of Levi had an extra moral obligation to serve the Almighty however they could. God is their portion.
The Priests (Cohens) were to receive from every animal that was slaughtered the forelimb, the tongue and surrounding cheeks, stomach and surrounding fat              .
In our time we should support they who teach us the words of Torah.
Brit-Am should also be supported.
 Levites and Cohens had to be given their fair share in the offerings and reasonably equal opportunity to do those services (such as officiating in the Temple) that resulted in payment.
Everybody needs to be paid for what they do. They deserve it and expect it. Even if they say they do not want payment and genuinely seem to mean it one should be careful.
This practice of passing through the fire was practiced recently in Ireland, England, and Scandinavia. In northern England it was known as Beltane meaning "fire of Bel". it was a practice the Israelites adopted from their Canaanite neighbors.
Deuteronomy 18:10 speaks of this and forbids it.
The Peoples of Scandinavia, Gaul, and the British Isles worshipped Bel (BaaL) and had other pagan practices similar to those of the Land of Canaan. They were Israelites who had been exiled for copying the heathen religions of their Canaanite neighbors. They were therefore exiled from the Land of Israel as a punishment (2-Kings chs. 17 and 18) and apparently even in their places of exile continued to practice aspects of the Canaanite religion. Â
These days we no longer have Prophets though perhaps soon we will have. Nevertheless we do have the Bible and the Prophets who spoke to us in the Bible and we need to listen to them.
 Someone who claims to have received a direct message from the Almighty was to be tested. If he was found to be speaking falsehood he was to be killed.
The test of a false prophet was someone whom claimed to have a direct message from God concerning the future and what he said would happen did not come to pass.
They had already been commanded to set aside six cities; three east of the Jordan and another three to the west of the Jordan. Maimonides understood this commandment (Deuteronomy 18:10) to set aside an additional three (i.e. nine altogether) when the Israelites should expand their borders BEYOND those of the Promised Land!
When Israelites went to war they were forbidden to be afraid even when the adversary was stronger and more numerous and warlike.
 This Priest was a specially appointed and known as "Mashiach Milchamah" i.e. Appointed for War. His task was to encourage the Hebrews to fight well, without fear, in the knowledge that the Almighty God of Israel was on their side (Deuteronomy 20:1-4).
Haftara Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 51:12-52:12
The enemies who oppressed the Jews and Jerusalem will be requited and vengeance taken upon them (51:23). The Assyrians oppressed both Judah and the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel though the Ten Tribes were the ones the Assyrians exiled. The Assyrians forced them to accept the Assyrian religion. They were already practising pagans to a large degree and heavily influenced by the surrounding Canaanite and Middle East cults. These were similar to the Greek ones that were derived from the same sources.
Isaiah Chapter 52: The Lost Ten Tribes are not keeping the faith of Moses nor are they acknowledging their true identity (52:4). As long as the Ten Tribes do not know of their origins and do not turn back to the God of Israel it is as if they were taken away. For this reason the Name (Reputation) of God is blasphemed and people do not own up to the truth of the Bible (52:5). Israel is the servant of God (52:13).
God will save us and lead us forward. We shall know that it is by His power we are led onwards. We shall know His name. The name reflects the essence of the named. By knowing His name it means we shall know and realize in our existence the meaning of His name. We shall be renewed.