Ten Tribes Studies (4 September, 2014, 9 Elul, 5774)
1. Lego Modular Furniture. Changing Movables According to Need.
2. Stephen Phillips: A NEW Time Line.
The School of Velikovsky and how we Date the Ancient World
3. YouTube Clip: JNews-3: Phoenicians and Israelites in Scandinavia
4. Proverbs 20:19-21 Behave with Responsibility
5. Criticism from the point of View of DNA Findings and Brit-Am Reply
1. Lego Modular Furniture. Changing Movables According to Need.
Recently I moved to a new address. The present place is nice but smaller than the previous one. It has a narrower entrance and a lower ceiling. I had to part with some of my furniture.
The led to what I thought might be a "Ballarat" moment, i.e. something of value that is obvious but that nobody else has noticed.
#8. The Ballarat [not Bally, but Ballarat] Syndrome and the Researches of Yair Davidiy
Why not make furniture on the basis of Lego, i.e. units built of interchangeable components that may be assembled and re-assembled in different forms according to need?
I spoke to one of my sons on the matter. He looked it up on the Internet and found that others had already started the process. In my opinion they could still do much more but what they have done is of interest.
cool concept. others thought about it too, see:
[Note: These links may take a few seconds to upload but they are worth it.]
Lego-esque modular furniture By John Baichtal
Modular Furniture 'Inspired by Lego' By Charlie Sorrel
See the embedded Clip on this site and very short demonstration by Clark Davis (no relation as far as I know).
ModCubes: The LEGO bricks of modular furniture
Thinking back, similar ideas have been around for a long time. I remember spending the night at the home of friends.
They gave me a sofa that could be converted into armchairs. It had a mind of its own. The sofa seemed to prefer its armchair mode with the two halves separating from each other in the middle of the night leaving my supine lumbering body hanging in the air.
2. Stephen Phillips: A NEW Time Line.
The School of Velikovsky and how we Date the Ancient World
[Note: The School of Immanuel Velikovsky holds that ancient chronology as convenionally rendered is grossly mistaken. They hold that certain epochs should be placed much later than they are. They also say that ancient peoples who are recorded as separate entities in some cases are one and the same, e.g. Sumer is Babylon, the Mitanni are the Medes. They also claim that in thep ast planet earth suffered from a serries of catastrophes due to collisions or close contact with celestial bodies such as the planet Venus. Our private opinion at present is that the School of Velikovsky may be right on some matters but not necessarily on all of them. Stephen Phillips in the article below presents evidence he considers confirms the views of Velikovsky.]
3.YouTube Clip: JNews-3: Phoenicians and Israelites in Scandinavia
Gaza War Information, News and Views from Israel, New Evidence about the Ten Tribes and Phoenicians in Scandinavia
See: JN-1089. Jerusalem News
BARS-66. Brit-Am Research Sources
4. Proverbs 20:19-21 Behave with Responsibility
Proverbs 20:
19 A gossip reveals secrets;
therefore do not associate with a babbler.
This may alternately be rendered from the Hebrew original as saying:
Do not mix in with someone who reveals secrets, goes around gossiping and speaks irresponsibly.
20 If you curse father or mother,
your lamp will go out in utter darkness.
Someone who curses his father and his mother will have his lamp extinguished in the depths of darkness.
Not everyone is always pleased with their parents.
Nevertheless they should be respected as far as possible.
At the least avoid saying bad and nasty things to them.
21 An estate quickly acquired in the beginning
will not be blessed in the end.
An estate gained hastily at first will end without being blessed.
The Commentator Rashi applies this verse to the Tribes of Gad and Reuben who were eager to acquire their inheritance east of the Jordan but were also the first of the Tribes to be taken away from it in the Assyrian Exile.
5. Criticism from the point of View of DNA Findings and Brit-Am Reply
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Will France (i.e. Reuben) Invade Israel?
Horus osirius
Lack of consistency with modern genetic findings[edit]
Human genetics does not support British Israelism's notion of a close lineal link between Jews and Western Europeans. Genetic research on the Y-chromosomes of Jews has found that Jews are closely related to other populations originating in the Middle East, such as Kurds, Turks, Armenians and Arabs, and concluded that:
Middle Eastern populations...are closely related and...their Y chromosome pool is distinct from that of Europeans. (Nebel, 2001.)[32]
Y-DNA Haplogroups J2 and, to a lesser extent, J1 are most commonly identified in Jewish people, which is in contrast to Western Europeans. The more distant Haplogroup R1b is the most commonly identified in Europeans.[33][34][35][36]
Research standards
Critics of British Israelism note that the arguments presented by promoters of the theory are based on unsubstantiated and highly speculative amateur research. Tudor Parfitt, author of The Lost Tribes: The History of a Myth, states that the proof cited by adherents of British Israelism is "of a feeble composition even by the low standards of the genre." (Parfitt,2003. p. 61.)[37]
Other critics cite similar problems,....
Brit-Am Reply:
Concerning DNA it is only partially applicable. It will be shown eventually that environmental phenomena determine DNA haplogroups etc to face immediate needs, the same as frogs suddenly growing long legs when needed etc. Once the change occurs it becomes inherited. As for the criticisms of British Israelism whether valid or not they have only limited pertinence to our own research. We use different sources, different methods, and have a different outlook and appreciation.