Ten Tribes Studies (8 September, 2014, 13 Elul, 5774)
1. New Article. Eddie Chumney Interviews, Yair Davidiy Answers ?? (2010)Â 10 YouTube Clips
2. Ephraim Frank: Ephraimite Participation in Jerusalem March at Succot
3. Lyne Tracy: Pleased with JNews and Dolmens Article
4. J-News-5 YouTube Clip
5. Is there a Problem with Eddie Chumney Being a Messianic?
1. New Article. Eddie Chumney Interviews
Yair Davidiy Answers ?? (2010)Â 10 YouTube Clips
Eddie Chumney is a prominent pro-Israel, Biblically-Aware preacher in the USA. Like us, Eddie believes the Ten Lost Tribes are primarily amongst Western Peoples. He has been a supporter of Brit-Am almost from the beginning. In 2010 Eddie interviewed Yair Davidiy several times in Jerusalem. The Interviews were intended for a TV Show Eddie was then hosting. The show however was prematurely discontinued so the Interviews were placed on hold.
Now (September, 2014) Eddie Chumney has processed and released the Interviews in the form of 10 separate programs.
Eddie has also given Brit-Am/Hebrew Nations permission to mildly edit the 10 clips, making them acceptable to Religious Jews, and to upload them to the:
Yair Davidiy YouTube Station
where they may be found in their own Playlist:
Eddie Chumney Interviews Yair Davidiy (2010)
Here is a List of the Ten Clips
 Eddie Chumney interviews Yair Davidiy 10 Clips.
(1) Are all 12 Tribes Jewish? Are they united?Â
(2) Were the 12 Tribes united in the days of the Kings of Israel?
(3) Are the Ten Tribes Following Christianity Today?Â
(4) Where Are the Ten Tribes Located Today? Â
(5) How Can We Identify the Ten Tribes Today?Â
(6) What was the Divine Task of the Ten Tribes in Exile?
(7) Where Primarily are the Tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh Today?
(8) The Ten Tribes are Associated with What Nations?
(9) The Ten Tribes Were Called 'Isaac'.Â
(10) Are the Ten Tribes Jewish or Assimilated Among the Nations? Â
2. Ephraim Frank: Ephraimite Participation in Jerusalem March at Succot
Shalom Yair,
Your work is invaluable to the restoration and we pray that it will continue to be a positive message to the nation of Ephraim as well as Judah's.... We must continue to think of ways of positive action. One way some of us are going to do this is to participate in the Jerusalem March at Succot, as a Judah-Ephraimite group. This will put flesh on the bones and help legitimize your work and others' as well. We are hoping to have over a 100 participants. If you know of anyone that will be in Jerusalem during the Feast and would want to identify with us and participate please have them contact us at the following email
Thank you for your consideration.
3. Lyne Tracy: Pleased with JNews and Dolmens Article
Dear Yair Davidiy
J News. Very informative, very good. Great to hear more about the dolmens, and look forward to reading the next article on them.
God bless you
Lyne Tracy
4. YouTube Clip. JNews-5. IDF Saves 130 Irishmen from Disaster!
Duration:Â Â 8.46 minutes
News and Views from Israel. Irish soldiers saved from death and/or captivity by IDF. Arabs Rioting. Need to control Syria. Have trust in God. See: JN-1091. Jerusalem News
5. Is there a Problem with Eddie Chumney Being a Messianic?
From Sylvia Halpert:
 Yair Davidiy, when I shared these interviews someone was upset that Eddie Chumney is a Messianic. Would you care to comment?
Brit-Am Reply:
A Messianic as far as we are concerned is a Christian. We work with Christians in spreading knowledge concerning the Ten Tribes. This is what needs to be done. God bless you, Yair
Are the Ten Tribes Following Christianity Today? Eddie Chumney interviews Yair Davidiy