Ten Tribes Studies (9 September, 2014, 14 Elul, 5774)
1. Question on Scotland and Britain During WW2.
2. New Article. Ephraimites and Hebrew Nations
Why Brit-Am is No Longer Acceptable by the Ephraimite Movement
3. New Article and YouTube Clip. The Name of Israel in Ezekiel
1. Question on Scotland and Britain During WW2.
 Amnon Goldberg wrote:
As Brit-Am holds that TLT elements are to be found in the British Isles including Scotland, does it have an opinion on its possible devolution from the UK?
What is its opinion of this video
"Scottish Independence: a Jewish Response"
Brit-Am Reply:
The Clip may be divided into two parts:
 (1). The Case for Scotland. This is very brief but a little entertaining.
In principle we are against Scotland breaking away from Britain. This to our mind may be bad for both parties.
(2). The Behavior of the British during WW2 in which the speaker blames Britain (sic) for the death of 6 million Jews!
Concerning this second section,
We have posted the following comment to the All Comments board underneath the Clip. Let us see how they respond:
This clip was produced by a de facto Jewish Nazi apologist. This type exists. It finds some type of excuse for the Germans by trying to cast the blame on others.
Because of types like him some British officials feared the presence of German agents amongst Jewish refugees.
This was ridiculous when compared to other groups of refugees BUT the sentiments expressed by a few such as the one making the clip went beyond the acceptable.
The Nazis wanted to kill the Jews. That was the goal of the war, not victory but killing Jews.
BHR-109. Brit-Am Historical Reports
#1. The True Aim of Germany in WW2: Kill Jews!
Claims to mitigate German guilt border on a kind of Holocaust Denial.
Avraham Stern, founder of the Stern Gang (the Lechi) in Palestine, did speak of allying his movement to the Germans. This was while Britain was at war with Germany. The JTask Force people making this film will not excoriate Stern.
Check them out over this.
The clip repeats old lies. The British never sank any Jewish refugee ship. They were blamed for sinking the Struma by the Lechi BUT the Struma was sunk by a Russian submarine.
It may be that some Jews could have been saved.
If so it is a crime that they were not.Â
There were British Personnel in Palestine and British governmental circles who were anti-Jewish. The British record however on the whole, as far as Jews are concerned, is more positive than anything else DESPITE acknowledged negativity.
Others also share the blame for the Holocaust and for not helping Jewish refugees as much as was possible.
Post-war Britain has often been critical of Israel but in effect, in most cases, it is a de facto ally.
2. New Article. Ephraimites and Hebrew Nations
Why Brit-Am is No Longer Acceptable by the Ephraimite Movement
1. Foundation of the Ephraimites.
2. Yair Davidiy and the Ephraimites
3. Criticism of the Ephraimites from a Jewish Point of View
4. Ephraimites Against Yair Davidiy
5. Positive Points about the Ephraimites
See Also:
Ephraimites. Discussions and Information concerning non-Jews who believe they are descended from Israelites.
3. New Article and YouTube Clip. The Name of Israel in Ezekiel
(a) New Article. Israel in Ezekiel
Separate Entities in Prophecy. The Name Israel and its Application
Ezekiel in chapter 4 speaks of the House of Judah and the House of Israel with the latter meaning the Ten Tribes.
Usually however Ezekiel speaks ONLY to Judah and calls them Israel or House of Israel.
In Ezekiel 16 he seems to avoid calling the Ten Tribes Israel but rather prefers the term Samaria.
In the world view of Ezekiel the expression Israel does not mean the Ten Tribes UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED.
In Ezekiel 37 it is predicted that Judah and Israel, meaning the Ten Tribes will reunite.
(b) YouTube Clip. The Ten Tribes as Israel in Ezekiel
Duration: 22.49Â minutes
The Ten Tribes will not reunite with the Jews (Judah) until the End Times (Ezekiel ch.37). The term Israel in the Book of Ezekiel is usually applied to JUDAH! The Ten Tribes are also addressed in some passages as Israel but only when their presence is explicitly emphasized. See: Israel in Ezekiel.
Separate Entities in Prophecy. The Name Israel and its Application