Ten Tribes Studies (10 September, 2014, 15 Elul, 5774)
1. New Article. Chirp, Chirp. Thoughts on Darwin's Finches
2. Candace Reagan: Messianic is NOT Christian!
3. New Article. Ephraimites: A History by Edward Chumney
1. New Article. Chirp, Chirp. Thoughts on Darwin's Finches
1. Introduction. Darwin Finds the Finches
2. Sources.
(a) Galapagos Islands
(b) How Darwin's finches got their beaks. A gene's-eye view of evolution by William J. Cromie
3. Conclusion: Acquired Triggering of Changes is both Adaptative and Inherited
Animals and humans can change in accordance to the environment. This happens by an already INBUILTÂ mechanism being activated. Once the activation occurs it is passed on by heredity.
2. Candace Reagan: Messianic is NOT Christian!
Brit-Am Now no. 2329. Ten Tribes Studies.
#5. Is there a Problem with Eddie Chumney Being a Messianic?
With all due respect, Messianic is NOT Christian. The Christian religion is full of Babylonian traditions- Christmas being the worship of Ba'al and Easter worshipping Ishtar- ALL SUNWORSHIP and pagan fertility rituals.
Messianic/Hebrew Roots, whatever you want to call us, believe in Yeshua (Christ) as a TORAH OBSERVANT, KOSHER EATING, JEW. We DO NOT celebrate the pagan holidays, we keep the Torah to the best of our ability, and many of us are learning Hebrew.Â
Brit-Am Reply:
OK. For Internal purposes Hebrew Nations classifies as Christian anyone who believes in the Christian Messiah in any form. This is regardless of whatever other beliefs or practices the believers in question may have.
3. Ephraimites: A History by Edward Chumney
Preface by Yair Davidiy
The Article. Ephraimites: A History by Edward Chumney
1. Defining the Ephraimites
2. The Ephraimites Had Independent Origins! [They were not a breakaway movement].
3. Gripes Against Judah
4. Conclusion. Setting Things Straight
Afterword by Yair.
From Yair:
For YOUR OWN SAKES descendants of Lost Israelites should WANT a greater dergree of certainty concerning their Hebrew origins. ...We are the ones doing the good deed here in so far as they who are of Israelite descent should want to know about it and have as much proof of it as possible.
We have used the analogy of the family in the past: There was once a family who lost one of their sons way back in the Never-Never. Some say the son returned and may be identified with one of the brothers but exactly which one is not certain. Others say he remained lost. He was forgotten long ago apart from a few family records that occasionally get looked at. One day there is a knock at the door. A stranger enters and claims to be the lost son. He wants full rights in the family both concerning how they relate to him and what they have. He does not look so much like them nor does he act in the way they consider the family should. He lacks what they think are family characteristics. His behavior and beliefs are different. His demands are inappropriate. And so on.
In my opinion the first point to be clarified is to ascertain once and for all, IS HE A MEMBER OF THE FAMILY OR NOT? After that other matters may be considered. Ephraimites seem to be jumping in and demanding to discuss other matters first!
From Eddie:
 The bottom line is that the modern Ephraimite movement is a grass-roots movements that came about through the teaching of a variety of independent yet small number of ministries working outside the formal Christian (Sunday) church system.
So, how do Ephramites get frustrated as Judah? When Judah says to Ephraim:
1) You don't have to follow the Torah
2) We don't recognize you as our brother even though you claim you are
3) You have to convert to Judaism
  When these things are said to Ephraim, then Ephraim regards Judah as NOT building a bridge. So, in frustration, Ephraim starts to attack Judah and do things independently from Judah.
  This is why we are STILL in exile and DON'T understand each other even though we are calling ourselves now Jews and Ephraimites.Â