Ten Tribes Studies (16 September, 2014, 21 Elul, 5774)
1. New Article. Megalith Time no.1
2. New Article. Historical Danger
A Warning to Ephraimites NOT to Repeat the Mistake of Previous Reformers
3. New Article with Photos and Text
Dolmens in Jordan i.e. Eastern Israel
1. New Article. Megalith Time no.1
1. Introduction
2. Astronomical Consistency Requires a Date After 750 BCE.
3. Ireland. Stone Age New Grange Comes from the Iron Age
4. Jordan (i.e. eastern Israel) and the 2000 Year Long Cubby Holes that could have been built in one day
5. Preconceptions Cloud Judgements
6. Britain. Velikovsky and Stonehenge
7. The Circle of Giants in the Golan, Israel
2. New Article. Historical Danger
A Warning to Ephraimites NOT to Repeat the Mistake of Previous Reformers
Somewhere in the 744 pages of the "Jewish Influence on Christian Reform Movements" by Louis I. Newman (1925)
there is a section comparing the attitude to Jews of new developments with older ones. Newman says that invariably (or at least often?) Christian Reformers at the beginning of their career were favorable to Jews. They expected Jews to flock to their banner. Their attitude was (and still is) that:
# Of course Jews did not want anything to do with the Old Establishment people.
Who would?
They were corrupt.
They were pagan.
They did not have the truth.
We, of course, are different.
We are better, purer, and our version is the true one.
When Jews see this they will accept us as a matter of course. #
And of course, the Jews think differently.
And then comes disappointment, bitterness, and an angry reaction.
This was the case with Martin Luther and according to Newman, all other Christian Reformers.
This work by Louis I. Newman was written in the days before we had TV. A good long read was valued.
As I remember it is indeed lengthy and detailed but it is worth reading.
Another valuable book by the same author is,
"The Hasidic Anthology. Tales and Teachings  of the  Hasidim " (1934  softcover 1963).
 "The Hasidic Anthology" is recommended for those who have been taught that Judaism lacks spirituality.
3. New Article with Photos and Text
Dolmens in Jordan i.e. Eastern Israel
These illustrations are interesting and will serve (God willing) as illustrations for future articles on the subject.