Ten Tribes Studies (21 September, 2014, 26 Elul, 5774)
1. Numerous Birthday Wishes Arrived
2. New Comments on YouTube Video Clips.
3. Brit-Am History. Minor Updates
1. Numerous Birthday Wishes Arrived
Yair Davidiy turned 64 according to the secular calendar on 20th September 2014.
For some reasons there were those who thought his birthday took place about 2 weeks beforehand.
At all events very many birthday wishes were received. Much good will was expressed towards Yair personally and also to the aims of Hebrew Nations.
This was much appreciated.
May you all be blessed greatly.
2. New Comments on YouTube Video Clips.
7 Reasons You Cannot Come to Israel
chy day
Haiti are mostly Igbos slaves and Igbos are known to be Hebrews.
Je3. Ten Tribes Divorced!
fuzzy orange
blows my mind when I realized what was going on concerning the gentiles being the 10 tribes. The book of Jeremiah was the first book that God moved me to read. now I see why.
3. Brit-Am History. Minor Updates
Brit-Am/Hebrew Nations is at present the ONLY prominent organization in the Land of Israel identifying the Lost Ten Tribes with Western peoples.
Hebrew Nations is open to all Hebrews, both Jew and non-Jew, But it is headed by Yair Davidiy who believes in Judaism and endeavors to live
accordingly. From one point of view it may be described as a Jewish organization. It is the only Jewish organization in the field.
The final formal break and rejection by the Ephraimite Movement of an emphasis on the Hebraic Physical Descent of western peoples may have taken place in 2014.
This was clarified in correspondence with our good friend, Eddie Chumney, who is a leading figure in the Ephraimite Movement and who was consistently
loyal to us. We were told that for Ephraimites, belief in their own doctrine determines who is an Israelite rather than physical ancestry. We found this attitude disappointing but it is good that the matter has been made clear.
We criticized Nehemiah Gordon who attempts to revive the defunct Karaite Movement through spreading the message to Christians. This involved us peripherally due to our belief in Rabbinical traditions and for other reasons. Consequently we were attacked by Joseph Dummon who heads Sighted Moon, and therefore is loony. Dummon considers himself an adherent of Gordon. Dummon was not content with criticizing us but quoted from Willie Martin a known Aryan Nations ideologue close to the Nazis. A brief examination of the Dummon site showed similar references and attacks against Jews.
Touche! The Karaite Allies Threat to Brit-Am and the Brit-Am Answer
According to Google analytics (September 2014) www.hebrewnations.com
receives 3706 visits per month i.e. ca. 120 per day.
www.britam.org receives about half that number.
We also have an e-mail discussion list that goes out several times a week (sometimes a few times each day) to more than 2000 subscribers. ...
The Yair Davidiy You Tube Station
as of September 2014, had received 133,668 views. It had 520 subscribers, 337 video clips, and over the last 30 days had received 6,735 views.