Ten Tribes Studies (23 September, 2014, 28 Elul, 5774)
1. New Article. My Friend, Eddie
A Reply to Eddie Chumney re Ephraimites
2. New Article. TT End Times by Alexander Zephyr
The Ten Tribes of Israel as 'being Christian'
3. New Article. What Does Yair Think?
The Ten Tribes of Israel and Christianity
1. New Article. My Friend, Eddie
A Reply to Eddie Chumney re Ephraimites
An Answer to:
Ephraimites: A History by Edward Chumney
1. Eddie Chumney is a friend of Yair Davidiy and of Brit-Am/Hebrew Nations
2. The Complaints of Ephraim According to Eddie.
3. Defence of the Complainers is Exagerated.
4. Replies to the Complaints.
5. The Need for Mutual Respect.
6. Physical Ancestry is Important to Ephraimites!
7. Conclusion
Non-Jewish possible descendants of Israelites should be told:Â
You may descend from Israelites or you may not. We may be able to close the uncertainty gap to a great degree but an element of doubt will remain until the Messiah resolves the issue in the future. This means you cannot come to Israel as a citizen since you are not Jewish by religion, and presumably do not wish to change that. This is how Divine Providence wants things to be, for the time being. In the meantime you may actuate your possible Israelite Ancestry by learning of the issue; helping the uncertainty factor to be reduced by supporting research and propagation of information; upgrading your own Biblical Consciousness; supporting the State of Israel and the Jewish people.
2. New Article. TT End Times by Alexander Zephyr
The Ten Tribes of Israel as 'being Christian'
Hello Yair,
As one of your followers and readers, I would like to answer Eddie by
this article. Mind you, it fully reflects your ideas on this
Alex Zephyr
To 'bring the Israelites back' does not literally mean to bring them to the Promised Land only. Rather, turn them to the God of Israel and to His Divine Torah. We doubt very much that the Almighty will redeem those of the Ten Tribes who wish to remain 'being Christians.' Those who reject the God of Israel and continue worshiping false gods, who cannot save, and craven idols, 'Will I number you to the sword, and you shall all bow down to the slaughter' (Isaiah 65:12). Why such a harsh punishment? 'It is because these people abandoned the Covenant of the Lord the God of their fathers' (Deuteronomy 29:25). The explanation given is right on target! This issue is very important. It is a matter of life and death. Here is no compromise. God warns those who 'forsake God of Israel' and forget 'My Holy Mountain' (Isaiah 65:11), who wish to be remained Christians, 'My servants will eat, but you will go hungry; My servants will drink, but you will go thirsty; My servants will rejoice, but you will be sad and ashamed. And the Lord God will put you to death' (Isaiah 65:11, 15). These are very strong words! Those Christians of the Ten Tribes of Israel in exile who understand and accept the prophecies of the Last Days, (especially prophecies of Israel being 'My Kingdom of Priests' and 'My holy nation'), and wish to fulfill them, better listen to what the Almighty God has said and obey His Divine Word: 'Turn to Me and be saved, all the ends of the earth, for I am God, and there is no other' (Isaiah 45:22).
3. New Article. What Does Yair Think?
The Ten Tribes of Israel and Christianity
We can leave the resolution of theological disputations for the future Messianic Age or a time just before it. It is not necessarily for the present.Â
For the time being we have something at hand THAT CAN BE DONE!
We have been criticized for not offering practical conclusions to our beliefs but this is as practical as it gets! This is something that should and can be done.
We can leave our religious differences to one side for the time being and get on with a more complete clarification of Israelite descent and publicizing the results.
Anything else at the present times is a red herring. An unwelcome distraction. Let us prove Israelite Descent first of all. Other questions may be dealt with later.