Ten Tribes Studies (23 October, 2014, 29 Tishrei, 5775)
1. New Article. Jewish Tribal Colors.
Levi, Judah, Benjamin (Illustrated)
2. Tribal Stones and Hues. A Series of Articles in the Light of Hebrew Nations Identifications.
List of Articles
3. New Article. Relative Idolatry?
Why Christianity (though positive in itself) is forbidden to Jews
4. Remembering John Hulley
(a) Abraham Rempel
(b) Prof. James D. Tabor
5. Remark on YouTube Clip: True Christians Support Israel
1. New Article. Jewish Tribal Colors.
Levi, Judah, Benjamin (Illustrated)
Could it be that certain military units, such as the British Guardsmen dressed in red and black with the white buttons and belt, had a preponderance of the Tribe of Levi? ....
Yehudah Yehudah is sky-blue. The techelet or blue thread in the tsitits or threads on the corners of a four-cornered garments was described as being sky-blue.
For several centuries the techelet has not been worn since its process of manufacture had been lost. Nowadays attempts are being made to revive it....
The stone of Benjamin is described as having the 12 colors of the rainbow. ... Consequently most of the Tribe of Benjamin was wiped out by the other tribes (Judges chs. 19 to 21). Is this what we are heading for today?
Will this be our only chance of survival?
If homosexuality was the inevitable irresistible inclination of those afflicted by it why is it condemned by the Bible?
2. Tribal Stones and Hues
A Series of Articles in the Light of Hebrew Nations Identifications.
List of Articles
List of Articles (published so far):
Tribal Colors.
Tribal Gems.
Ruby Reuben. The Israelite Tribal Gem of France.
Simeon and Ireland: Colors and Gems.
The Jewish Tribes. Levi, Judah, Benjamin.
3. New Article. Relative Idolatry?
Why Christianity (though positive in itself) is forbidden to Jews
1. Introduction. We Should Not offend Christians.
2. The Jewish Aspect.
3. Why is Christianity Idolatry for Jews?
4. The Ten Tribes as Christians and as Non-Jews
5. Why is Christianity NOT Idolatry for Non-Jews?
4. Remembering John Hulley
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(a) Abraham Rempel
 Avraham ben Gad: Remembers John Hulley
Hi Yair,
I got to know John Hulley many years ago when I proofread on of his books. A year or so later I met him at a United Israel conference in Charlotte where he was a guest speaker. We enjoyed many fine conversations together.
I really liked the man.
Abraham Rempel
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(b) Prof. James D. Tabor
"Tabor, James" wrote:
Thanks so much Yair. I join you in mourning the departure of this good soul and remarkable man whom we have both known for many years. I first met him in 1990 through some remarkable circumstances and you and I met first I think at his Yefe Nof [Jerusalem] apartment in 1993. Please greet everyone for me with love to all who are mourning. I am lighting a candle here at 9am EST and thinking of you all. If you or Lowell could write up a little report on the funeral that would be great, and I can post it various places for those who have not yet heard the news or can not be there today.
You mention in your tribute on the Hebrew Nations web site that there are 76 items related to John on the BritAm site and 16 on Hebrew nations. I was just trying to find these and could not find a way to search, via his name or otherwise. Doo you happen to have a list?
Warmest best regards and Shalom to all,
Prof. James D. Tabor | Ancient Judaism & Early Christianity
Department of Religious Studies
UNC Charlotte | 9201 University City Blvd.
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Brit-Am Reply:
I guess you really wanted me to list articles about John.
(a) For http://www.britam.org
Go to:Â http://www.britam.org/SearchEngines.html
Enter John Hulley
There are 75 items.
The first 5 are:
The Striped-Tie Triad
John Hulley (Richards) and Yair Davidiy. ... concerning the Ten Tribes. John Hulley (Richards) has written articles ... lines are acquainted with John. John Hulley was also the first
Subject-Index. Brit-Am Articles Listed According to Subject Matter
History of Brit-Am Hulley . John Hulley: PROPOSED ... AND EPHRAIMITES Hulley . A Friendly Critique of John Hulley Interview Transcript ... Times? Hulley . John Hulley: PROPOSED
Brit-Am Now 1762: Ten Tribes in the West Online Magazine.
John Hulley. -- The ten lost tribes ... 4. Charlotte Mecklenburg: Agrees with John Hulley . The Messiah will come when ... time! 5. Michelle Bowie: Re John Hulley's Article - Need for Torah
The China Problem and the USA. Three Opinions
Problem and the USA. Three Opinions The Opinions: (1) John Hulley , " ... on John Hulley (b) John Hulley: Comments ... below:
The Two Houses Together by John Carrington Richards (Hulley).
In the article below, the author (John Carrington Richards [aka John Hulley ... by John Carrington Richards [Hulley] SCROLL ... Reconquest John Carrington Richards [aka John Hulley]. In
(b) For http://hebrewnations.com/
Go straight to the site and enter John Hulley in the red and white colored Search box at the top righthand corner.
In this case not all the results show the name John Hulley BUT if you go to the links given you will find a mention of John in the articles.
5. Remark on YouTube Clip: True Christians Support Israel
RE JNews-13. German Jew-Hatred is Returning! Â
T Kupar
There is a number of Christians that are always standing with Israel and supporting Israelis. Those are also among Catholics and Evangelicals. People that Love G-D of their heart, can not same time be anti-Semitic. People that hate Israel should NOT call them selves as Christians, because Jesus never would have allowed actions of Nazis. I do Bless Jews and that's because my Mother taught me so. Maybe those of us that stand with Jews and Israel should start calling ourselves with some other name. I have a suggestion: Hebrew Believers.. :o) Â