27 December 2024, 26 Kislev, 5785.

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JN-1268. Jerusalem News.
1. Quora Answer to Question on anti-Semitism in Ireland: Only 10% ?
2. "Millions of Christians Are under Islamist Assault, so Pope Francis Targets the Jews."
By: Uzay Bulut and Charles Jacobs.
3. Woman, 80, Killed in Herzliya Terrorist Attack

"Brit-Am Now" no. 3603
31 December 2024, 30 Kislev, 5785.
1. Comment to Video Clip. An Inkling is Needed!
2. Video Clip edited and shortened with new edited captions.
Inherited Hebrew Aims.
3. New Article.
Sacred Waters.

How did David meet Bath-Sheva?
1. Comment to Video Clip. An Inkling is Needed!

Efraim must learn to read Hebrew from Yehudah and learn how to practice the holy festivals at least on the proper dates .. They must regain a Israelite identity and the only way that will happen is to learn from Yehudah .. Western nations have been all over the place ideology and doctrinally for thousands of years so if they must learn these things prior to the coming of mashiach they better start learning from the Rabbis not their blind pastors and christian ministers who don't even have an inkling what it's all about. Many are being called to convert and become full fledged Jews don't ignore the calling ! I'm just saying don't simply guess as you go along . "The scepter shall not depart from Yehudah until Shilo comes "... Shalom Yisroel !

2. Video Clip edited and shortened with new edited captions.
Inherited Hebrew Aims

Duration: 17.52 minutes.
CC (Closed Captioning - must be opened by the viewer) Captions Edited.
Brit-Am has a task to help the Israelite Peoples and to reveal the Truth about the Lost Ten Tribes. Brit-Am, like every other organization, needs help and depends on it. The Pledge of Jacob the Forefather indicates that the giving of tithes helps bring forward the Redemption (Genesis 28:20-22) . Joseph has a task to help others and to upgrade humanity. We all need to pray. Prayer helps. The GREEN REVOLUTION in the 1950s and 1960s was an American initiative. This resulted in the saving of millions of lives and their significant improvement in the lives of millions more. This is an example of something that Joseph had done. it is what Joseph was supposed to do and what was done.
Brit-Am What For?
Why is Brit-Am Needed?

3. New Article.
Sacred Waters.
How did David meet Bath-Sheva?

The following article is intended as background to an article based on information sent to us by  Eochaidh Og Coinn. It suggests that in Ancient Ireland ritual bathing was conducted at special water-places. This would be parallel to the Biblical Practice. The Druids of Britain and Ireland had many practices that were Biblical in origin.
JN-1268. Jerusalem News. features/jn5/jn1269.html






Yair Davidiy


Yair Davidiy YouTube Station:
Video Clips Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel


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