A List (26 November, 2019, 28 Cheshvan, 5780)
1. Introduction
2. General National Principles. The Ten Tribes
4. Brit-Am
The Three Rs of Brit-Am are Research, Recognition (Revelation of Research Findings), Reconciliation.
We find the Lost Ten Tribes among Western Peoples. Our initial activity was intended to verify (or nullify) the premise as to who the Ten Tribes are, and then to clarify and confirm this finding.
In the course of our researches, teachings, writings, meetings, consultations, and correspondence with others more points were added. Additional Understanding and implications evolved.
They are listed below:
The list below is open to commentary, criticism, observation. Your reactions and comments are invited. (The points below are not necessary listed in order of their priority).
2. General National Principles: The Ten Tribes
The Bible is true. Brit-Am is involved with national issues rather than with personal ones.
The Lost Ten Tribes are among Western Peoples.
Britain is dominated by Ephraim, the USA by Manasseh.
The other Tribes may also be identified, some quite clearly others on a tentative basis.
The USA today is the foremost Israelite Nation. The interests of America are those of Israel.
Each Israelite person should have concern for the well being of their own country.
The Lost Ten Tribes will return. How they will do so is not clear. Indications are that initially the Lost Ten Tribes will settle in the areas of Kurdistan (Micah 7:12), Syria, and Jordan (Zechariah 10:10, Micah 7:14). See: The Return of Ephraim http://britam.org/USAMatsor.html
In the End Times the Lost Ten Tribes will be led by the Messiah son of Joseph. He will precede the Messiah son of Judah who will initially lead the Jews, then all Israel, then the world.
Rabbinical teachings concerning the Messiah son of Joseph may in some ways apply to the Lost Ten Tribes as a whole and help identify them.
The Ten Tribes will return to the Land of Israel according to its Biblical Borders from the Nile to the Euphrates.
Lands that are now populated by the Ten Tribes will remain in their possession and in part, or in whole, will become part of the Holy Land through a spiritual transformation.

The Jews are Judah. Anti-Jewish doctrines cannot be countenanced in any form.
Rabbinical Traditions should be adhered to by Jews. Non-Jews should respect them.
The State of Israel represents the aims of both Judah and the Ten Tribes. It should be a gaol of the Ten Tribes to support the Jewish State of Israel in every way possible.
The State of Israel under Jewish Aegis is a forerunner for the rest of the Tribes.
The Three Rs of Brit-Am are Research, Recognition (Revelation of Research Findings), Reconciliation.
Brit-Am is fulfilling a task of importance.
Spreading knowledge and awareness of Brit-Am findings is worth while.
Brit-Am should be helped.
They who help Brit-Am will be rewarded from Heaven.
In addition to its Three Rs Brit-Am also works to increase Biblical Consciousness in general.
Brit-Am does not advocate that its adherents convert to Judaism neither is Brit-Am involved in any way with such matters. Nevertheless if at the individual level someone decides to follow that path they should be allowed to do so. [Many converts may in fact be descendants of Jews or of members of the Lost Ten Tribes]. On the other hand, this is not a pathway we advocate for most Lost Hebrews! It may be that in the future when the Tribes re-unite the LTTs will go through some kind of Renewal of the Covenant. This would be a de facto equivalent of conversion. There are sources indicating this. Nethertheless this will be an event involving all of the Tribes together. It is not for the present, according to our understanding.
We are not anti-Christian. Christianity may or may not be a tool of Divine Providence to bring the Ten Tribes back. Either way we are not about to interfere with it.
On the other hand we are against attempts by perhaps otherwise well-meaning enthusiasts to missionize Jews.
We are not involved very much in the behavior of individuals but in principle people should believe in God, accept the Bible, live normally and honestly, not harm others, and not deviate. Stay healthy and mentally alert. Help support Brit-Am.