Publications Now Available

Author Yair Davidiy
Publications: Thumbnail Sketches
Hebrew Warriors- The Khazars. $30.00
Origin of the Khazars, Early History, Scythians,
Ephraim - The Gentile Children of Israel, 4th edition. $25.00
Jewish Legends about the Ten Tribes. The Sons of Moses in the West. Talmudic Sources. Isaiah chapter 49.
Hebrew English-1. The Israelite Language as part of English Speech and Thought Patterns $15.00
Mostly lists English words of Hebrew origin as well as giving the conventional etymology of each word. This proves in hundreds of cases that even though English is related to European tongues it has a greater affinity in some ways to Hebrew than to them.
Hosea 4 Books. Hosea in 4 volumes- Brit-Am Commentary to the Book of Hosea in 4 books $60.00
Hebrew Bride : The Prophecies of Hosea -1 $20.00
Hosea and his wife Gomer. The Cimmerians and the Ten Tribes. Baal and the Celts.
Lost Hebrews Found :The Prophecies of Hosea-2 $20.00
Fulfillment of prophecies. The future Messiah son of David. The Scythians. Parallelism between Jewish legends concerning the Ten Tribes and Celtic traditions.
Hebrew Destiny. The Prophecies of Hosea-3 $20.00
Ephraim and the Threat of Islam in Prophecy. The separate tasks of Judah and Joseph. A Future Re-Unification.
Hebrew Salvation. Hosea-4 $20.00
Dolmens. Megalithic Monuments. God will bring the Ten Tribes back.
David and Bat Sheva. $15.00
Examines the background to the encounter of David with Bath Sheva. Was the transgression of David really as serious as it would superficially appear? Biblical and Academic Studies.
Hebrew Tribes - The Israelite Tribal Identification of Western Peoples. $35.00
Biblical, Rabbinic, Historical Evidence that Western peoples descend from the Lost Ten Tribes. Identifies specific Tribes as each having been dominant in a country of their own.
Reuben - France, Gad - Sweden and Switzerland, Naphtali -Norway, Dan -Denmark and Ireland, Issachar - Finland and Swizerland; Benjamin - with the Jews and Belgium; Judah - the Jews;
Levi - Jews and Wales; Zebulon - Netherlands; Joseph - English-speaking Peoples; Ephraim - Britain and British offshoots; Manasseh - The USA; Scotland.
Chosen People. The Descendants of Joseph and the Ten Tribes among English-Speaking Nations and the Jews of Judah $20.00
The Celts called themselves Hebrews! The Completeness of the Exile. The role of Judah. The tasks of Joseph. Israelites to Rule the World!
Esau. Edomites Today $25.00
Descendants of Esau/Edom as leading elite groups in ancient civilizations: Sparta, Thrace, Venice, Rome, Japan, China, Armenia, Conspiracy Theories, Homosexuality.
Edom and Germany $25.00 in some editions entitled: "Germany and Edom."
Canaanites and Edomites among the Germans. Phoenicians. Edomite involvement with Israelites.
Ancestry - The Hebrew Identity of Celtic Races $25.00
The Lost Tribes and Celtic peoples. Tribal names. Druids. Megalithic Dolmens. Hebrew and Welsh Languages.
To Rule the World -How the British and Americans Proved they Descend from Joseph and the Ten Tribes of Israel $20.00
The Mission of the ten tribes and of Joseph. British and US History and strategic policies in the light of Prophecy.
Origin - You too are from Israel! You too are the People $10.00
A summary of histories of the Lost Ten Tribes and prophecies concenring them in each of the Prophets.
Joseph - The Israelite Destiny of America $15.00
Joseph and the USA. Different Israelite groups in America.
Biblical Truth - (2nd ed.) Genesis and the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel $30.00
Prophesies about the Ten Tribes in the Book of Genesis and how they came to fruition.
Bible Basics - The Names of God. Prophecy. The Law. Biblical and Rabbinical Authority. $20.00