Publications Now Available

Author Yair Davidiy
Shows from Rabbinical sources (as confirmed by secular studies) that the Lost Ten Tribes are to be found in the west.
Combines Scripture and Rabbinical tradition proving the Ten Tribes are among Western Peoples. The Tudor Rose symbol of Britain according to the Zohar is the symbol of Israel! Jewish Traditions in Arab Lands traced the Ten Tribes to France and Britain. The same applies to the Sons of Moses and the Rechabites both of whom were also associated with the Ten Tribes and located in the same areas. Rabbinical sources trace the Lost Ten Tribes to three major areas. We identify the regions in question and show how these identifications confirm the Lost Ten Tribes being now found among western peoples. Australia and New Zealand are the Land of Sinim which is one of the areas it was prophesied the Ten Tribes would be found in towards the End times (Isaiah 49:12).
David and Bat Sheva $15.00
Proves that David was not as guilty as a superficial reading might indicate. Bat-Sheba was not really married to Uriah the Hittite!
Includes proofs against evolution, and notes concerning Ancient Israel. This work is exciting, interesting, illuminating, informative.
You will learn from it.
You will learn about the Bible.
You will learn about Ancient Israel and the men surrounding the monarchy.
You will enjoy the learning and in the process begin the exoneration of the King of ALL ISRAEL!
The time has come.
Be part of history.
Become history in the making by buying our book and reading it.
You will learn from it.
You will learn about the Bible.
You will learn about Ancient Israel and the men surrounding the monarchy.
You will enjoy the learning and in the process begin the exoneration of the King of ALL ISRAEL!
The time has come.
Be part of history.
Become history in the making by buying our book and reading it.
This work shows how the Ten Tribes came to the west and what countries the individual Tribes went to. Clan names given in the Bible of sub-groups among the indiividual Tribes allow us to trace the historical movements of Israelite Tribes and re-coalsescence of these same Trbes in ancient Europe. Maps illustrating the opathways of Migration and illustrations of Tribal Symbols now used as national emblems.The peoples of Ireland, North Ireland, Scotland, England, Wales, Switzerland, France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Sweden, and Finland all contain significant numbers of Israelite Ten Tribe descendants. On the whole they are not aware of their Hebrew ancestry. The descendants of the Ten Tribes also populated North America, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa.
In "HEBREW TRIBES" Specific Israelite Tribes and Tribal clans are traced to present-day ethnic groups. Proof is provided from the Bible, Rabbinical Sources, Greek and Roman Accounts; History, Archaeology, Mythology, and Linguistics. National symbols and Ethnic Characteristics are analyzed.
Additional features include: up-to-date international comparative statistics; a detailed list of Biblical Proofs; new information of ground-breaking importance.
In "HEBREW TRIBES" Specific Israelite Tribes and Tribal clans are traced to present-day ethnic groups. Proof is provided from the Bible, Rabbinical Sources, Greek and Roman Accounts; History, Archaeology, Mythology, and Linguistics. National symbols and Ethnic Characteristics are analyzed.
Additional features include: up-to-date international comparative statistics; a detailed list of Biblical Proofs; new information of ground-breaking importance.
Discusses what makes the Lost Israelites and the Jews different from everybody else. The Ten Tribes have their unique task and destiny. Judah, i.e. the Jews, need to rewemain Jewish! The symbol of joseph is a unicorn which actually existed. It was a kind of giant bull that had one horn on its forehead!
Proofs that the Celtic peoples were to a significant degree of Hebrew origin. The Ten Tribes were exiled in stages to a few major regions.
One section became part of the Cimmerians and helped give rise to Celtic Civilization. Another portion were transported under Assyrian-Edomite direction in Philistine (Minoan), and Phoenician (Tyrian) ships to Spain and from there moved to Ireland, Gaul, and Britain. This is confirmed by archaeology and written accounts including those from Ireland, Wales, Britain, and Scotland.
Celtic Mythology in the west encompasses proof of Israelite ancestry. The Celts did not call themselves "Celts" but rather "Iberi" meaning Hebrews in the Hebrew tongue. Jewish legends help trace the Lost Ten Tribes to Celtic peoples. Numerous names associated with Celtic groups are similar to those associated with Tribal groupings among the Hebrews.
One section became part of the Cimmerians and helped give rise to Celtic Civilization. Another portion were transported under Assyrian-Edomite direction in Philistine (Minoan), and Phoenician (Tyrian) ships to Spain and from there moved to Ireland, Gaul, and Britain. This is confirmed by archaeology and written accounts including those from Ireland, Wales, Britain, and Scotland.
Celtic Mythology in the west encompasses proof of Israelite ancestry. The Celts did not call themselves "Celts" but rather "Iberi" meaning Hebrews in the Hebrew tongue. Jewish legends help trace the Lost Ten Tribes to Celtic peoples. Numerous names associated with Celtic groups are similar to those associated with Tribal groupings among the Hebrews.
The fulfillment of prophecies concerning the Ten Tribes through international power politics. Joseph has a duty to reform mankind. It was prophesied that Joseph would be granted the ability to fulfil his national task. This book explores the Task of Joseph in the light of Biblical, Rabbinical, Historical, and Up-to-date Geo-Political analysis. Joseph was required to become a blessing for others, a light to the world, and a civilizer of the non-Israelite heathens. The sons of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh, were each to have their own national distinctions. Joseph was blessed that he would possess the "Gates" of his adversaries meaning the control of strategic points exposing the vulnerabilities of potential enemies. This was a characteristic of British Imperial Policy in the past and if anything it is EVEN MORE a feature of US strategy in the present. Joseph was to be involved in Egypt, Africa, and India and to populate Australia and New Zealand.
The Migrations of the Ten Tribes to the west and Prophecies concerning them in Summary.The first part of "ORIGIN" explains how the majority of Ancient Israelites were exiled, where they went to, what they became, and how we may recognize them through the mists of time. This is the historical evidence. The second part of "ORIGIN" goes right through the Hebrew Bible according to the literal meaning and also in the light of Rabbinical, linguistic, and other sources. The "ORIGIN" of the British and North Americans and their kinfolk in the west is from Israel. The evidence is plentiful and compelling.
The USA and its Israelite characteristics especially those pertaining to Joseph. The Messiah son of David and the Messiah son of Joseph are both figures in Jewish Tradition. The Messiah son of Joseph is a future heoic figure who will head the Ten Tribes and lead them back. By analysing traditions concerning the Messiah son of Joseph we see that the USA has already began to fulfil the role predicted about him and the Ten Tribes. These traditions show that a substantial portion of the Ten Tribes will be in North America in the Era leading up to the Messianic Age.
Genesis and the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel $30
Biblical verses proving Lost Israelite Identity and future destiny.Genesis tells of the creation of the world and the emergence of the Israelite people. It tells us who the forefathers of the Hebrew people were, what they did, and what promises they received. The deeds of the Patriarchs and the events of their lives often foreshadow what would happen to their descendants. Part of their offspring were to lose their identity. We can discover who these "Lost Israelites" are by the prototypical actions of the forefathers and the blessings they received and comparing them with historical reality. Genesis predicts that the descendants of Israel would number many millions, that all other peoples would be blessed through them, and be dependent upon them. They were to rule over other nations, become exceedingly prosperous and possess vast natural resources. Monarchs of several nations, ruling at one and the same time, were to emerge from them. This is now the case with the monarchies of Western Europe. There were twelve different tribes, ten of whom were to loose their identity. Each tribe had its own distinctive qualities. After being exiled, the tribes evolved into the dominant elements of several western nations. National characteristics of the countries in question reflect the original tribal distinctions. The USA with Britain and her daughters descend from Joseph who was to receive extra magnified blessings peculiar to their offspring. The Balfour Declaration and the founding of the State of Israel by Judah and its present situation were indicated by Prophecy.
Proofs of the Oral Traditions being consistent with Scripture and Biblical insights. The Ten Tribes were Exiled for Inventing their own Religious Beliefs! The Jewish Sages, on the other hand, received their authority from the Bible and deduced the will of the Almighty through the use of Biblically defined guidelines. This is still the case today. Contemporary Rabbinical authorities have an On-Going Decision-Making Ability derived from Scripture. In principle the literal meaning of the Bible is the one that is accepted. Realizing what the literal meaning really says is the aim of most Rabbinical reasoning. The Bible says that someone born of a Jewish mother is Jewish. This is a reality that needs to be accepted. Ruth came from Moab. She was a native of Moab and a foreigner to Israel. She accepted the God of Israel and the yoke of Torah and so became an Israelite. She did this through the authority of Rabbinical decisions. Anyone who denies the legitimacy of Rabbinical Oral Tradition challenges the legitimacy of Ruth and through her of King David and the future Messiah! One of the Tasks of Joseph i.e. of the Ten Tribes should be to support the learning of Torah and the application of its Laws by Judah!
Esau. Edomites Today $25.00
Leading Gentile nations whose elites and part of whose population descend from Esau, also known as Edom, the brother nation to Israel and its primary adversary.Esau bursts into history as the Heroic Hunter, the Hero of the Hunt in the Bible (Genesis 25:27). Esau (Edom) was the twin-brother of Jacob (Israel). His destiny was to be often interlocked with that of the Israelites. Descendants of Esau were to be found both as spread throughout other nations (sometimes as influential cliques), as well as becoming concrete national identities. A good portion of the Israelites are to be found in the Galut [Exile] of Edom, Judah was amongst Edomites in the physical sense, whereas Joseph (the Ten Tribes) is still a captive in the psychological, social, and spiritual spheres. Descendants of Edom include the historical founders of Russia, China, and Japan. Esau was important in the genesis of ancient Sparta, of early Rome, of Venice, and of Germany, and of numerous other nations. Esau was also known as Edom. Edomites are to be found amongst many other peoples including those of the west. The Edomites have their own national characteristics through which they may be recognized. Esau has an existence parallel to that of the Israelites from the Ten Tribes. He is similar to them and often neighbors them. Esau bears an everlasting implacable instinctive grudge against Judah and Joseph (Amos 1:11). The Bible prophesies that in the End Times the Ten Tribes led by the Tribe of Joseph will be engaged in a total war against Esau (0badiah 1:18).
Germany and Edom $25.00
Discusses the Edomite input among Germanic and Celtic peoples including Israelite ones. Descendants of Edom were to be found in many countries and at some stage were predominant in Germany. Meanwhile, Israel became the Jews of Judah and the Lost Ten Tribes.
This work proves the Israelite origin of certain western peoples. It also shows the Edomite influences in Germany and other nations.The Edomites were at first to be found in several areas throughout the Middle East including Tyre of the Phoenicians and the region of Assyria. Later, different groups of Edomites went all over the world. Many came to Rome and to what is now Germany. These same movements of population also brought the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel to the west. Edomites had assisted the Assyrians in exploiting the labor of Israelite captives and transporting them to areas of Western Europe. Like the Israelites, Edomites were also to be found in areas of Celtic civilization. The god Esus derives from the Phoenician god Isoos who was based on the worship of Esau. Esus evolved into the idol known as Odin who many considered to personify Germany. Hitler was later equated with Odin. The Germans called Odin "Koz" which was also the name of the national god of the Idumeans (of Edom) in the Middle East. It had been prophesied that Esau would live by his sword and enjoy material benefits from his land. This has been fulfilled by Germany. The Germans display many of the known characteristics of Edom even though most Germans are not necessarily descended from Esau. It is enough that an influential minority come from Esau and that they have helped determine the German national Identity.
In the past there were many Israelites in Germany but they mostly moved out to North America and other areas.
This work proves the Israelite origin of certain western peoples. It also shows the Edomite influences in Germany and other nations.The Edomites were at first to be found in several areas throughout the Middle East including Tyre of the Phoenicians and the region of Assyria. Later, different groups of Edomites went all over the world. Many came to Rome and to what is now Germany. These same movements of population also brought the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel to the west. Edomites had assisted the Assyrians in exploiting the labor of Israelite captives and transporting them to areas of Western Europe. Like the Israelites, Edomites were also to be found in areas of Celtic civilization. The god Esus derives from the Phoenician god Isoos who was based on the worship of Esau. Esus evolved into the idol known as Odin who many considered to personify Germany. Hitler was later equated with Odin. The Germans called Odin "Koz" which was also the name of the national god of the Idumeans (of Edom) in the Middle East. It had been prophesied that Esau would live by his sword and enjoy material benefits from his land. This has been fulfilled by Germany. The Germans display many of the known characteristics of Edom even though most Germans are not necessarily descended from Esau. It is enough that an influential minority come from Esau and that they have helped determine the German national Identity.
In the past there were many Israelites in Germany but they mostly moved out to North America and other areas.
The Ten Tribes are now to be found among Western Peoples. The Prophet Hosea speaks of the Ten Tribes using the metaphor of a loose woman named Gomer. The lady in question represents the Ten Tribes who linked up with another group of peoples also named Gomer. Together they migrated to Western Europe. Their descendants are still there and in nations (the USA, etc.) that grew up from there. The simile of husband and wife is used several times in Scripture to represent the relationship either between the Almighty and Judah (i.e. the Jews) or that of God and the Ten Tribes or with both together. Learn how the Present-Day situation was predicted in Prophecy. Additional Proof identifying the Lost Ten Tribes with elements who settled among Western Peoples is provided. See how the Balfour Declaration and its Biblical Significance is indicated in prophecy. This work has importance for Judah as well as for the Ten Tribes!
Lost Hebrews Found, $20 (or as one of the 4 for $60)
The Israelites were exiled. One part of them, Judah (i.e. the Jews of today), remained identifiable. The remainder, known as "The Ten Tribes," lost knowledge of their ancestry. Hosea was a descendant of the Tribe of Reuben. Hosea prophesied mainly concerning the Lost Ten Tribes. The Prophet Hosea describes the exiled Israelites using prototypical examples from his own era. These descriptions enable us to confirm our identification of Western Peoples as having been dominated throughout much of their history by peoples of Hebrew origin. Judah should set an example and help prepare the way for the Ten Tribes to come back. Ephraim, representing all the Tribes, should prepare itself to accept the future Messiah. Jewish and Rabbinical Traditions help us confirm where the Lost Hebrews are today. They are among Western Peoples! This work helps identify them. Hosea calls upon the Lost Ten Tribes to repent. The Lost Ten Tribes will return.
This is verifiable by the Bible, Rabbinical texts, and secular sources.
This is verifiable by the Bible, Rabbinical texts, and secular sources.
Hebrew Destiny, $20 (or as one of the 4 for $60)
"Hebrew Destiny" describes how the Lost Ten Tribes are to be found in Countries of the West. This message needs to be spread. The Prophet Hosea warned "Ephraim," meaning principally the English-speaking peoples, against the dangers of Islam. Mohamed was described as a "Mad Prophet." Hosea foresaw that "Ephraim" would attempt to come to an understanding with followers of this person. The consequences are liable to result in disaster. In addition, "Ephraim" will be deluded and afflicted due to rampant sexual immorality. Hosea recalls how these same sins led to the Ten Tribes going into Exile. They lost awareness of their ancestry. The Phoenician Edomites of Tyre and the Minoan Sailors of Phillistia under Edomite direction served as agents for Assyria. They set up colonies in the west to work the mines and to grow crops to supply the Assyrian Empire. Israelites were taken in ships as captives to settle in such places. They were also taken overland to other areas. From there too, they came westward. Descendants of Ephraim are still to be found among Western nations and their offshoots. They are called upon to repent. The presence of many from the Lost Ten Tribes in North America in our times had been predicted. Judah will have remained basically faithful. Judah will be called upon to lead the Lost Ten Tribes back. The Ten Tribes will need to return to the God of Israel, accept the leadership of the House of David, and help rebuild the Temple.
Hebrew Salvation $20 (or as one of the 4 for $60)
Many among the Peoples in the West are to a significant degree of Hebrew Descent. In Ancient Times they had separated from Judah (the present-day Jews) and created their own Kingdom. Eventually they were conquered by the Assyrians. They moved via different pathways of migration to the west. The Prophet Hosea in the Bible described the situation today in Western Nations. He also referred to events in the past and in his own time. Megalithic Monuments, such as dolmens, were to be found in the Land of Israel. The Hebrews when they moved westward were told to put such monuments up along their route to serve in the future as evidence of their Hebrew Origins! It was prophesied that the Ten Tribes will re-unite with Judah. Many will return to the Land of Israel. For others the Lands they are now in will become part of the Holy Land! The return will be preceded by a War between the Ten Tribes, headed by Ephraim, and the forces of Edom. The Lost Israelites may have to fight against certain Non-Israelite Nations. Ephraim (i.e. the Ten Tribes of Israel) will repent. Rabbi Moshe David Valle, a Rabbinical Mystic in the 1700s, interpreted passages in the Book of Hosea as saying that Ephraim in the End Times will have completed his task. Henceforth there will be no more need for Ephraim to remain hidden and in Exile. This study involves matters of great importance for many in the West Today. This book is an important key to understanding Biblical prophecy. Some of the information within this work has never previously been made public!
Hebrew English
The Israelite Input into the Modern Anglo-Saxon Language by Yair Davidiy, $15
"Hebrew English" demonstrates how the English Language encompasses many Hebrew Words, Hebrew Linguistic features, and Hebrew thought patterns. English is a composite tongue derived from several sources. Nevertheless, the English-speaking peoples created a language consistent with a Hebrew Prototype being ever present in their collective sub-conscious.
The Israelite Input into the Modern Anglo-Saxon Language by Yair Davidiy, $15
"Hebrew English" demonstrates how the English Language encompasses many Hebrew Words, Hebrew Linguistic features, and Hebrew thought patterns. English is a composite tongue derived from several sources. Nevertheless, the English-speaking peoples created a language consistent with a Hebrew Prototype being ever present in their collective sub-conscious.
Hebrew Warriors $30
The Khazars were descended from a mixture of remnants of the Ten Tribes, Jewish refugees whose religious affiliation had blurred, along with Gentile descendants of Gomer the son of Japhet son of Noah. A movement led by their monarch to return to Judaism began among them. Due to the uncertainty of their lineages the Rabbis declared them all Gentiles and then converted them to Judaism as the Bible and Tradition allowed them to do.
Descendants of the Khazars may still be found among some Jewish communities but only as a minority element and indistinguishable from other Jews.
Nevertheless, it is both important and of interest to know more about them.
The Khazars were related to Scythian Peoples most of whom had already moved westward into West Europe and the British Isles where they met up with descendants of Israelites who had already come there.
The Israelite origins of the Khazars held confirm the Hebraic antecedents of those Scythians who previously went westward.
The Khazars are also symbolic of the Israelite People in general. It should be worth our while to be aware of this.
That is what this work, "Hebrew Warriors," is for.
Descendants of the Khazars may still be found among some Jewish communities but only as a minority element and indistinguishable from other Jews.
Nevertheless, it is both important and of interest to know more about them.
The Khazars were related to Scythian Peoples most of whom had already moved westward into West Europe and the British Isles where they met up with descendants of Israelites who had already come there.
The Israelite origins of the Khazars held confirm the Hebraic antecedents of those Scythians who previously went westward.
The Khazars are also symbolic of the Israelite People in general. It should be worth our while to be aware of this.
That is what this work, "Hebrew Warriors," is for.