Lost Ten Tribes of Israel: Research, Representation, and Reconciliation.
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Ancient Israelite or Canaani
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5Rs. Basic Brit-Am Principles
Brit-Am/Hebrew nations traces the Ten Tribes to Western Nations. Research; Revelation of Results i.e. Recognition; Reconciliation (between the Ten Tribes and Judah): Roles-Differentiation; Reunification.
There is a movement amongst Jews to return to the Torah..including full-time learning, or serving in the IDF...parallel movements such as a return to Hebrew Roots, or Evangelical support for Israel, etc. This is all one related interconnected phenomenon.
The Yom Kippur War (44 minutes)
The Yom Kippur War of October 6 to 25, 1973 was between Israel and Egypt in the south and Israel and Syria in the North. The War was a turning point in the history of Israel and the USA.
7 Reasons You Cannot Come to Israel (30 minutes)
Even though you may be descended from the Ten Tribes you may not at present be allowed to return to Israel under the Law of Return. There are Seven Main Reasons for this.
Judah and Ephraim Need Each Other!
Judah (the Jews) and the Ten Tribes (Ephraim, amongst Western Peoples) need each other. Each has their own task to fulfill. By each one doing what their duty they will help the other.
Rebuild the Temple
There is a commandment to build the Temple in Jerusalem the capital of Israel. The Ten Tribes will help Rebuild the Temple.
Awareness of Your Israelite Ancestry is Imperative!
The Ten Tribes are now amongst Western Peoples. Judah is identified with the Jews. The good of the one is that of the other. Descendants of the Ten Tribes need to be made aware of their Israelite Ancestry.
Zechariah Recalls All!
The Prophet Zecharaiah spoke of the End Times. Zechariah describes events that will involve both the Jews (Judah) and Joseph (the Ten Tribes). The Ten Tribes will return.
Ten Tribes of Israel Exiled in Ships
The Ten Tribes of Israel were exiled by the Assyrians. A portion were taken directly to the west in ships manned by Phoenicians and Minoans (Philistines) in Assyrian Service.
Ephraim in the West
The Prophets foresaw that Ephraim would be mainly located to the west of the Land of Israel and in the Isles of the Sea.
The Celts Called Themselves Hebrews!
The word Hebrew means Israelite.The Celts called themselves Iberi, Hiberi, or Iveri which are all derived from the name Hebrew.
The Jews are Judah!
The present-day Jews are identified in the Bible as Judah. The Bible shows that the Jewish People of today are indeed identifiable as Judah of Scripture.