Proof from Scripture that the Ten Tribes are in the West.
- Brit-Am/Hebrew Nations
- A Short List of Proofs
- List of 122 Biblical Proofs
- Biblical Proofs
- Gomer and Israel
- Hebrew Predictions
- Propagation
- Review and Overview
- Gomer, Israel, and Peiser
- Proof: A List of Contents
- General Introduction
- Three Main Points
- Proofs from Abraham
- Joseph
- Attributes as Proof
- Blessings as Evidence
- Geographical Proof
- Genesis and Hebrew Nations
- Genealogy of the Blessings
- Blessings
- List of 122 Biblical Proofs
- Connectivity
- Overseas Bases
- Lord "Jackie" Fisher
- Lost or Found?
- Ten Tribes Now
- Brit-Am ("Ephraimite") Criteria
- Ten Tribes and the Talking Ass
- Unification
- Seventy Nations
- Moloch & Beltane
- Alex Zephyr: Torah Quandary
- Names
- Josephus: Japhet