The Brit-Am/Hebrew Nations e-mail Discussion List (30 July 2017, 7 Av, 5777)
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Brit-Am E-Mail List
Invitation to Subscribe to "Brit-Am Now" i.e. the Brit-Am/Hebrew Nations e-mail Discussion List.
If you wish to see some of our latest postings, go to:
Now 14 Contents. Ten Tribes Studies
The Brit-Am/Hebrew nations e-mail Discussion List
has been active for decades.
Recently we had to close and then re-open the list for administrative reasons.
It is however still going strong.
The list concentrates on Brit-Am matters.
We have traced the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel to Groups now found among Western Peoples.
Discussions and information on this subject is what the list is about.
We give notifications of new articles (with sample extracts), YouTube clips,
answers to queries, discussions, new insights and findings, observations, letters of identification and support,
criticisms, personal anecdotes and remarks by subscribers, etc.
We are now in a drive to expand our list of subscribers.
If you are not yet subscribed we hereby invite you to join up.
No payment is needed to join.
We do however get by through the sale our publications and from offerings.
We therefore make regular Appeals through our list.
The Appeals however are not personal.
Subscribers are free to answer them or not, as they wish.
Joining or leaving the list is very easy.
If you wish to join send an e-mail to:
with the word SUBSCRIBE in the subject line, and (just to make sure) perhaps also in the text section.
Nothing more is necessary.
If you wish to leave do the same but instead of SUBSCRIBE write UNSUBSCRIBE.
The Brit-Am/Hebrew nations e-mail Discussion List
This is the message we send out with EVERY posting:
You are subscribed to the Brit-Am E-Mail List.
You either requested to be subscribed or expressed interest in the matter.
If this is a mistake or if for other reasons you wish to be unsubscribed please send a message ASAP
with UNSUSBCRIBE IN THE SUBJECT LINE and also in the text section.
To subscribe send an e-mail with SUBSCRIBE in the subject line.
To unsubscribe: - Send an e-mail with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line.
Send to:
If and when unsubscribing please note the e-mail address that you were subscribed with.