Brit-Am Articles
- Latest Articles no.1
- Latest Articles No.2
- Latest Articles No.3
- Latest Articles No.4
- Latest Articles No.5
- Latest Articles 6
- Brit-Am Sources. RABBIS QUOTED
- Star of Redemption
- Book Reviews
- Mutual Aid
- Midrashim
- America
- Biblical Genealogies
- Maritime Empires
- Mutual Aid
- Research Additions
- Archaeology
- Germany
- Ephraim Awake
- Talmud Vindicated by Gil Student
- Hebrew Nations YouTube Clips List
- Creation
- Poems and Appeal
- Hebrew Warriors
- We will Rebuild the Temple for Judah!
- Kabbalah
- Holocaust
- Hugh Davis
- Biblical Proof
- Brit-Am/Hebrew Nations
- A Short List of Proofs
- List of 122 Biblical Proofs
- Biblical Proofs
- Gomer and Israel
- Hebrew Predictions
- Propagation
- Review and Overview
- Gomer, Israel, and Peiser
- Proof: A List of Contents
- General Introduction
- Three Main Points
- Proofs from Abraham
- Joseph
- Attributes as Proof
- Blessings as Evidence
- Geographical Proof
- Genesis and Hebrew Nations
- Genealogy of the Blessings
- Blessings
- List of 122 Biblical Proofs
- Connectivity
- Overseas Bases
- Lord "Jackie" Fisher
- Lost or Found?
- Ten Tribes Now
- Brit-Am ("Ephraimite") Criteria
- Ten Tribes and the Talking Ass
- Unification
- Seventy Nations
- Moloch & Beltane
- Alex Zephyr: Torah Quandary
- Names
- Josephus: Japhet
- Biblical Studies
- Samuel and Saul
- The Book of Joel
- Bible Divisions
- Major Commentators
- Messiah son of Joseph
- Unification
- Know your enemy.
- Bible Translations
- End Times
- Joseph Disguised as Esau
- Blessings & Impersonation
- Disguise as Prototype
- US Support-1/3
- US Support-2/3
- Sheerah and Her Brothers
- End Time Wars
- Europe and America
- The Humility of Joseph
- Rabbi Philip Biberfeld
- Enoch
- Bible History
- Israel and Judah. Quorum
- Parasha
- Prototypical Prophecies
- Genesis
- The Book of Moses
- Exodus
- Joshua by Yair Davidiy
- Judges
- Proverbs
- Daniel by Yair Davidiy
- 1-Chronicles (BAC)
- Malachi
- Micah
- Hosea
- Isaiah
- Esau-Edom
- Esau
- Jacob and Esau
- Psalms
- Esther
- Julius Caesar and Esau
- Jeremiah
- Zechariah
- Guardian Angel
- The Holy Name of God
- The Literal Truth of the Bible:
- Ezekiel
- Joseph Wild
- The Prophecy of AMOS
- Your Israelite Brother
- Noachide Laws
- Who Was Machir?
- Tithing
- Sabbatical Years
- The Next World
- Redemption?
- Abhor Abomination
- Homosexuality Index
- Divine Retribution
- Quorum of 12
- Welsh Hebrews
- Pangea Who?
- House of Israel
- Brother Judah
- TWO STICKS of Ezekiel
- Ruth Debated
- TTs and Egypt
- The Power of Prayer
- Moabitess!
- Plain Ruth
- Irish Wells & Mikvaoth
- Sacred Waters
- Field of Moab
- Field of Moab: Recap.
- James Rodriguez
- Levirate Marriage?
- Nehamiah
- Gog and Magog
- Sequel to Ruth
- Sunday and Israel
- More Ruth
- Ruth-full
- Messiah
- David
- Deviation of Intention
- The Devil or Not?
- Solomon and Demons
- Breastplate
- End Times Signs?
- Black Africa and Israel
- Baal
- Canaan and Israel
- Philistine-Canaan
- Other-Worldly Beings?
- Foreign Admixtures
- Eliyahu
- Land of Israel
- Purity
- Elisha-2
- The After-Life
- Master Plan
- Elisha
- Jews or Gentiles?
- Royal Melancholy
- Married to Israel
- Suffering
- Judgment Day
- Proofs. Secular and General.
- Unification
- Overview
- Secular Sources
- Index-1
- Ancient Britain 1
- Secular Proof Headings
- Research Extracts-1
- Research Extracts-2
- Research Extracts-3
- Research Extracts-4
- Research Extracts-5
- Research Extracts-6
- Research Extracts-7
- Research Extracts-8
- Research Extracts-9
- Research Extracts-10
- Research Extracts-11
- Research Extracts-12
- Research Extracts-13
- Research Extracts-14
- Research Extracts-15
- Research Extracts-16
- Research Extracts-17
- Research Extracts-18
- Research Extracts-19
- Research Extracts-20
- Research Extracts-22
- Research Extracts-23
- Research Extracts-24
- Research Extracts-25
- Research Extracts-26
- Research Extracts-27
- Research Extracts-28
- Research Extracts-29
- Research Extracts-30
- Research Extracts-31
- Research Extracts-32
- Research Extracts-33
- Research Extracts-34
- Research Extracts-35
- Research Extracts-36
- Research Extracts-37
- Research Extracts-38
- Research Extracts-39
- Druids and Israel
- Dreaded Druids
- Druids, Dan, and Levi.
- Fasken
- Archaeology
- Warrior Celtic Israelites
- Hebrew Britain
- Secular Proofs
- Sambation
- Queries on the Tribes
- Velikovsky and Ugarit
- Hebrews in Yemen!
- Israelite Family Names
- Bible Codes
- Brief Explanation
- Individual Tribes
- Liberating the Promised Land
- Quora
- Questions
- The Bible and Creationism
- DNA, Heredity, Race, and Anthropology,
- Queries on Race
- Ancient Israelite Physical Types
- The Black Woman
- Pictures of Ancient Israelites.
- The Lost Ten Tribes and DNA.
- Animals
- Brit-Am Versus Darwin
- The Death of Darwin
- DNA Breakthrough!
- Gene Transfer. Evolution Refuted.
- Redheads in History
- Ancient Hebrew Redheads -1
- Ancient Hebrew Redheads -2
- Brit-Am versus DNA
- DNA and the IJ Haplogroups
- Race Confounded!
- DNA and Sunshine
- Black is Beautiful
- Israelite Racial Color
- Racial Color
- Brit-Am is Right Again!
- Phillips, "Creationism"
- DNA Can Change!
- Genetical Evidence
- DNA Conundrum
- Are we all Related?
- Environmental DNA?
- Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson
- Ephraimites - Sectarians
- MBJ Queries
- TTs and Messiah ben Joseph
- Joseph and the Temple
- why
- Seven More Reasons
- Different Schools
- Coming Back to Israel
- Can You Come Home Now?
- Ephraimite Entry
- Home Truths
- Did they Come Home?
- Joseph Arise!
- Two Houses
- Quandary Joe
- Straight Talk
- Settlement in Israel
- Trolls and Enemies
- Gentiles and Law
- Call of the Shofar
- Money in the Temple?
- Ephraimites and Hebrew Nations
- Eddie Chumney Interviews
- Ephraimites: A History by Edward Chumney
- My Friend, Eddie
- Historical Danger
- Ephraimite Clarification by Eddie Chumney
- Ephraimite Reality
- TT End Times by Alexander Zephyr
- What Does Yair Think?
- Claims and Discounts
- Edomic Identity
- BIWF Books
- Breeding?
- Racial Admixture
- Returning Israel
- Returning Israel
- The Return is Near!
- Covenant of Flesh
- Information about the TTs!-1
- Information about the TTs!-2
- Two Houses or More?
- Brit-Am versus Edomites
- Coming to Israel
- Guest Articles
- Cam Rea: "Assyria's invasion of Media"
- Rabbi Fishel Mael
- Karl Rodosi
- Terry Blodgett: Hebrew Component
- Articles by Steve Phillips
- Craig White: British Israelites
- Rabbi Avraham Feld
- "The Land of Israel" by Yehonatan Davidiy
- ENGLISH ORIGINS by Eric M. Flaxenburg
- Joseph and Benjamin to Rule Over Gentiles, Judah Over Israel! [Rabbi Fishel Mael]
- Duplicate of Joseph and Benjamin to Rule Over Gentiles, Judah Over Israel! [Rabbi Fishel Mael]
- Death of an Empire by Cam Rea
- Judah Should Bring the Ten Tribes Back!!! by Alexander Zephyr (1)
- Different Tribal Groups, Differing Tasks by Alexander Zephyr
- The Arab Problem by Alexander Zephyr
- THE THREE OATHS, ISRAEL, and EPHRAIM by Alexander Zephyr.
- THE PROPHETIC FUTURE OF ISRAEL (Part One) by Alexander Zephyr.
- Wilderness of the Nations by Alexander Zephyr
- Peter C. Patton, "Family and Tribe"
- Stephen Phillips: Gene Movements
- Stephen Phillips: The Tribal Colors
- Classical Sources by Stephen Phillips
- Border Observations by Stephen Phillips
- Hessians by Stephen Phillips
- Gomer and Germans by Stephen Phillips
- Ancient Britain
- Who Was Ruth?
- Pronouncing the Name
- Colonies of Naphtali
- "Be Good" by Charlotte Mecklenburg
- "Who is Ephraim?"
- The Gog and Magog War by Alexander Zephyr
- Tea Tephi Defended (Phillips).
- Bring Them Home! by A. Zephyr
- Sparta, Edom, Israel by Stephen Phillips
- The Final Return - Zephyr
- Odin and Magic
- "Gog and Magog Beginning?" by Zephyr
- Orjan Svensson
- Orjan Svensson and Yair Davidy
- Gog and Magog Again
- Zephyr, Alexander
- Judah & Israel by A. Zephyr
- Steve Phillips, Manasseh and Celts
- Elias Skotch-Less, "The Temple"
- Notes from Eric (TubalCain)
- Steve Phillips, Irish History Corrected
- Edward (Ephraim) Hirsch
- Kristoffer Ehrnstrom Lundkvist
- G. Olson, Nordic Hebrews-1
- G. Olson, Nordic Hebrews-2
- G. Olson, Nordic Hebrews-3
- Amnon Goldberg, Ukrainians are "Philistinians!"
- Brit-Am and World Redemption by Leah Altmann
- Orjan Svennsson
- Edward (Ephraim) Hirsch
- Steve Mathe
- Heinrich Graetz, "Readmission"
- Bert Otten, "Simeon in Scotland"
- Amnon Goldberg, "GOLD AWAITING"
- Mark McGee
- Mark McGee. Firstborn Tribes
- Amnon Goldberg, "Germany and WW3"
- Goldberg, Amnon
- The Gaza Hostage War no.1.
- Transfer the Palestinians
- Philistines as Palestinians?
- Identifications
- Palestinians Must Leave!
- Through Judah
- Where Are You?
- Slavery and Israel
- Historical Reality
- Joseph Released!
- Rosh HaShana for You.
- Rosh HaShana and Scripture
- Warning and Blessing
- Homosexuality Kills!
- Homosexuals are the Enemy
- Homophobia
- Homo-Disaster
- Why is Homosexuality [NOT] Permitted?
- Beware of Perverts!
- Zionism
- Judaism and Homosexuality
- Who do we Marry?
- What Should Joseph Do?
- Tasks of Joseph
- Joseph Identified-1
- North Gomer (Eiujj)
- Different Tasks
- History
- Differential
- Return from Babylon
- Alan Wilson
- 10 Lost Tribes
- World War 2
- Egypt Who?
- Holy Land
- Chimes of Freedom
- The Liberty Bell
- Hebrew Celtic Namesakes
- Hebrew (Gauls) in the West.
- Proof of Josephite Origin: The UN-US Vote for Partition
- The Yom Kippur War by Yair Davidiy
- The German Problem Again!
- The Wars of Joseph. WW1.
- The Aussie Jew and Kaiser Bill
- Reasons for Greatness
- Great Britain in History
- Great Britain in History
- Interlude for Murder
- Hesperides Part 1
- Homer and the TTs
- Ireland Hunger
- Irish Free State
- North Gomer
- Chronology
- Strange Coincidence?
- Resolution 181
- Archaeology and David
- Jeroboamites
- Bird Watcher
- Gomer the Gentile
- Gomer the Gentile
- Gomer Snippets
- Ashkenaz
- Togarmah
- Riphat the Gomerian
- The Name Scythia
- Family Traits
- Phoenicians
- British Antiquities by Sammes
- German Giants
- Answers to Michael
- Major Migratory Movements
- The Exiles
- They Kept Fighting
- The British in Palestine
- Defending the British. Abu Yehudah
- Britain and the Jews
- Britain as Joseph
- Britain and Palestine
- Churchill and Israel
- America and WW2
- Perfidious Albion?
- Nazi Exterminators
- Spain in WW2
- British Zionism?
- WW2 and Extermination
- Anglo-Saxons
- Sheaf
- Viking Origins-1
- Great Britain
- New Immigrants?
- Vikings in the British Isles
- Where was Afriki?
- British Israel Persecuted by Nazis
- Zionism and Britain
- Tribal Identity
- Tribal Affiliation
- Tribal Alignment
- Issachar-Zebulon
- All the Tribes.
- Dan, Asher, and Naphtali
- Twelve Tribes Identified
- Hebrew Fathers?
- 10 Names
- The Name-Giving
- Tribal Clans Identified
- National Predictions?
- America is Israelite
- Hebrew America
- America
- Joseph: Eye of Providence
- US Redeemed First?
- Judah Index
- US Dollar Sign
- The US Dollar
- Hebrew America
- Columbus and the US
- Australia and New Zealand
- Ireland and Ulster
- Finland
- The Tribe of Asher
- The Tribe of Gad
- The Tribe of Reuben
- Netherlands
- Joseph the Bad
- Israelite Goyim
- Shame on Ireland and Norway!
- Are you Naphtali?
- Are you Naphtali?
- Norway is Naphtali!
- Hebrew Kings of Norway
- Norway and Naftali
- Nordic Links
- Asher, Dan, and Naphtali
- Are you from Benjamin?
- Benjamin Who?
- Benjamin by Vermaak
- Benjamin - Queries
- Benjamin and the Rabbis-1
- Traits of Benjamin?
- Project Benjamin
- Hebrew Scotland
- Dan
- Levi
- Bert Otten: Levi in Wales
- Levi and War
- Levi the Copper
- Levi as Bureaucrat
- Levi and Oral Law
- Levi as Rabbi
- Levis and Rabbinical Authority
- Levis as Living Proof of the Bible!
- Levi and David
- South Africa
- Clans of Ephraim
- Ephraim in Britain
- Ephraim: Zealotry and Jealousy
- I Spy Prototype
- Arsi Saarijarvi: Yam and Yuma
- The Brother Tribes: Ireland
- Inherited Sanction
- Britishers as Ephraim!
- Tribes Identified 1
- Tribes Identified 2
- USA is Manasseh!
- USA: Great Seal
- Ephraim as Merchant
- Joseph Today
- The USA as Israelite and as Manasseh
- America as Israel
- Joseph and America
- Joseph Identified
- Quotes about Joseph
- Joseph & Rabbi Yohanan
- Joseph the Bull
- Overlapped Hands
- Need for Unification
- Joseph defeats Edom
- The British are Ephraim!
- Anglo-Hebrews
- New York and Jacob
- All 12. The First Six
- All 12. Eight Tribes
- All 12. Judah-1
- All 12. Judah-2
- Judah & Israel
- Judah & Joseph
- Rabbinical: Joseph, Ephraim & Manasseh
- Scandinavia-Sources
- Tribal Stones
- Issachar Saphire
- Historical Social Differences
- Physical Differences
- The American Revolution
- Census of Tribes
- Clans of Tribes
- Israelite Cognomens -1
- Simeon Exiled
- Tribal Colors
- National Animals
- Months and Tribes
- Issachar and the Rabbis
- Issachar and the Bear.
- The Tribe of Simeon
- The Tribe of Zebulon
- Naming the Tribes
- Rabbis and Tribes
- Animals and Tribes
- Ancestry
- Why?
- Joseph Returns?
- Or You or Them!
- Ephraim will Repent!
- The Redemption of Joseph
- Jews (Judah)
- Why The Jews Are Judah!
- Judah and Prophecy by Bert Otten
- Jewish Denial?
- Steven Collins, "The Jews are Judah!"
- The Task of Judah
- Jews and Joes
- Scriptural Reality
- The Roman Eagle
- The Message to Judah
- The Message from Judah to Joseph
- Keeping the Law
- Terminology
- Israel and the Sabbath
- Traitors
- 25 Jewish Identifiers
- No Substitute!
- Jews as Rulers
- 5 Main Identifiers
- 23 Identifiers
- Ownership of Palestine
- Questions on Arabs
- Alternate Zionism
- Kings to Serve Jews!
- Learning in Judah
- Judah and Joseph Identified
- Ten Tribes Identified
- Love and Hate
- The Side of God
- Who are the Ten Tribes?
- Judah Index
- Gentile Identities
- Judaism
- Khazars
- Legends, Traditions, and Symbols
- Mythology
- Carry On Caer-ing
- Words by Letters
- Plautus
- Word Comparisons
- Hebrew into English
- When
- A Few Words
- With
- Shock, Shake
- Hebraic Components of English-1.
- The Word "Brit" by Örjan Svensson
- The Word "is"
- One Language?
- Welsh and Hebrew
- The Welsh Language
- Hebrews in Ancient Britain.
- Terry Blodgett: Hebrew and English
- Canaanite Idols
- Angli means Bull-Calf!
- John Hemingway: The word THOUGHT
- homonyms by John Hemingway
- John Hemingway: Scythians
- John Hemingway: The word ROLL
- John Hemingway: Royal Scythians
- John Hemingway: Vandals in Ireland
- John Hemingway: K and C Sounds
- John Hemingway: Aramaic-Gothic Connections
- John Hemingway: Emergence of Germanic
- Aramaic and Gothic-1.
- Aramaic and Gothic - 2.
- Aramaic and Gothic-3.
- Pygmies and Giants
- Megaliths
- Stonehenge, the Welsh and Troy by Dafydd
- Dating Dolmens
- More About DOLMENS
- Cimmerian Dolmens
- Megalithic Time no.1
- Dolmens and Scripture
- Stone Trail
- Waymarks or Waywards?
- Rabbinical Usage?
- Galilee Finding
- Human Dolmen Faces
- Dolmens of Finland
- Dolmens of the World
- Megaliths in Britain
- Waymarks in Scotland
- Dolmens in Ireland
- Messiah
- Sitemap
- Peoples
- Poetry
- Germany is not Israelite!
- Rabbinical Sources
- Ancestors and Heredity
- Rabbinical Hasidic Sources.
- Rabbi Alter: Complete Conquest.
- Sambation
- Lubavitch Remarks
- Information - Rabbinical
- Ten Tribes in General
- Jewish Belief Denied?
- Is Brit-Am a 'Dark Horse'?
- MALBIM on Ephraim
- Hatam Sofer, Ten Tribes
- Joseph and Dan
- KLI YAKAR on Tribal Traits
- Afriki
- Africa means Western Europe!
- Joseph and the 10
- Surrogate for God
- More "On One Leg"
- The Sages Affirmed it!
- Predicted Hebrew Islands
- Atlantic Britain
- Lost Israel Revealed!
- Unity is Needed!
- Rabbinics
- Sambation in the West?
- Rabbi Akiva and the Lost Ten Tribes.
- "On One Leg."
- On One Leg-3
- Is America Part of the Promised Land?
- Religion
- Polemics
- Hoax
- Impersonations
- Lost and Findings
- Korea
- Burma No!
- Truly Earnest
- Earnestly Yours
- More Earnest
- Really Earnest
- Earnest Says
- Earnest Ended
- Counter Argument
- Know Your Enemy!
- Against Negativities
- British Israelism-3
- Germans Not from Judah!
- British Israelism-1
- Not in Asia!
- Reply to Rabbi Miller
- Burma-Japan
- British Israelism-2
- The Q-Saga
- Esau. Blessed or Cursed?
- Afro-Americans
- Statistics and Brit-Am
- Statistical Probability
- Integrity and Israel
- National Goodness
- Jew-Hatred and Israel
- Statistics of Love and Hatred
- Jew-Hatred 2016
- Most Peaceful Countries
- Most Influential Nations
- Mineral Resources
- Populations of Interest.
- Most Happy Nations
- Raising Offspring
- Healthiest Nations
- Israelites and Gentiles
- Agreement to be Born
- The Temple
- Your State in Scripture
- 13 States - 13 Tribes
- Arizona, Mexico, and Ishmael
- Alabama and Elijah
- Alaska and Israel
- Arkansas and Israel
- Wyoming and Israel
- Wisconsin and Israel
- West Virginia and Israel
- US States and Tribes
- West Virginia and Israel
- Massachusetts and Manasseh
- Utah and Judah
- Rhode Island
- Indiana
- Tribal Lists
- Zionism
- Publication Progress
- Confrontation
- Manasseh as Nemesis
- Details of Publications
- Baal in NY?
- Sport in the Bible
- Brit-Am Membership